Saturday, April 26, 2008

Your Well

your well is deep
a gift from the
Sovereign hand of God.
Your well is full
to rejoice the hearts
of many.
When your door is
shut the water fills
every point of your land to bitterness.
But when your door is open
it floods many, and sweetens
the smile of your heart
and many.
Your well is deep
is it there for you to keep?
Is it not His gift to you to replenish
the souls of those without?
To fill their hearts with joy
and sweeten their smile?
Keep the door open wide and
hold not deep inside.
For God's door is open wide
and sweetens the hearts of many.


Melissa said...


I loved your story about coming out of Whole Foods. It blessed my heart! Keep on keepin' on. Faith, Hope, Love.

Much Love,

Yolanda said...


I pray that you enjoyed the special dog over the past two days!
